strinjam se z tem da dobijo nagrado prvi trije nagradno igro je pa bv podaljsat je bilo ze dovolj casa da vsak da gor rezultat

rambo kaj sem pa jaz zajebal? big_smile

hahahha m-xxxx je padel  na 2 mesto big_smile
lepa stany big_smile

ne fantaziraj toliko big_smile bomo vidli ko ti objavis... ce bos upal

kdaj pa bo razvidno big_smile hladilnik se fajn vidi da je mugen 2 graficna se pa kar vidi na prejsnji sliki drugace pa ti lahko admin pove da sem pri njih kupu tocno ta comp big_smile

evo stany tu mas se par slik ce pa zdaj ni razvidno potem pa povej kako naj poslikam big_smile btw slabse slike so ker sem slikal z mobitelom

število doseženih tock : 18504
- model graficne kartice : sapphire HD4870 512MB
- nacin hlajenja graficne kartice : Zracno (stock)
- frekvence graficnega procesorja in rama : 830mhz/1080mhz
- tip procesorja in navita frekvenca, napetost jedra : Intel Core i7 920 - @3885mhz, 1.376v
- model in proizvajalca ramov, frekvenca in uporabljene latence : DDR3 ocz 3x2GB @ 1665mhz 6-7-7-16
- model maticne plošce : ASUS p6t deluxe v2
- nacin hlajenja CPUja : Zracno (mugen 2)

niti ne ce sodelujes pa spremljas forum dobis easy teh 100 postov big_smile

@felo ce ze fejkas potem bi lahko najboljsi score pofejku... … 2&t=28
poglejte 1 stran zadnji post

jaz se z tem strinjam pa naj dobi m-xxxx slusalke ce jih ze tako rabi ce ka kdo ne prehiti big_smile ce se pa se zmagovalec strinja z zrebanjem pa naj grejo slusalke tudi v zreb

najboljse je itak tako kot sem ze zgoraj napisal... poleg sistema z katerim si stestiral se napise na papir in se objavi slika to ti vzame 10 minut casa se to ne.ce pa pac ti objavis rezultat ki si ga dobil par mesecev nazaj je pa to tvoj problem bos pac znova stestiral z sistemom ki ga imas sedaj in poslikal. ker drugace je itak brezveze gres na eno ne prav znano stran najdes en dober score in objavis tukaj rezultat pa si prvi. to je samo moj predlog admin se pa naj odloci kak bo zdaj naredil

ja lahko je se vec star recimo zato je dobro da poleg napis objavimo

pomoje bo najboljse tudi tako da se objavijo sistemi ki jih trenutno imamo in se poleg slike se poslika napis na listu... kdo pa to ne more naredit pa se mu pac zbrise rezultat


(9 replies, posted in Nakup računalnika)

ja ce bos prevec dvigoval voltazo potem se lahko to zgodi ce pa bos pustil na stock kot je pa se ne more kaj takega zgodit

Rami so kar 200€ novi... jaz sem aprila iste kupil za 110€


(0 replies, posted in Ostale debate)

Lep pozdrav!

Prijavljen sem na in sem opazil da lahko dobiš veliko stvari z par kliki na dan, dobil sem informacije da to res pošljejo in sedaj tudi sam testiram če bi se mi kdo rad pridružil naj spodaj napiše mail... stran je invite only

tu je še FAQ če se komu da brat
1. What is Lockerz: Lockerz is an invitation-only website created to connect members through commerce, content and community. Watch exclusive video, discover new music, play games, connect with friends, and get rewarded for it. The more often you visit, the more opportunities you have to earn PTZ (or “Pointz”), Lockerz’ own form of currency. Lockerz was founded in March, 2009.

2. What types of products can be purchased at Lockerz: Members will be able to purchase a wide range of products from apparel, accessories, electronics, games, sports equipment and other products from hundreds of well known brands. Members will also be able to purchase digital assets such as music, videos, art, and decals.

3. Is Lockerz a scam: Lockerz is a real company. It is funded by Liberty Media, one of the largest media companies in the US. The Chief Executive Officer of Lockerz is Kathy Savitt, a former executive at and American Eagle Outfitters.

4. Why is Lockerz giving away prizes at low levels on PTZ Place: First, we just want to thank you for getting involved at the very beginning. You rock. Plus, you’re helping us build the coolest group of brand trendsetters every time you invite friends to Lockerz...but you probably knew that. And finally, we want you to try out the different PTZ levels to get a taste of how everything will work when we go live this fall. This version of the PTZ Place is a test for us to figure out what you like, what we like, and how together we can make Lockerz unbelievable when it officially launches.

5. Why is everything “Fresh Out” in PTZ Place: We are “fresh out” because the overwhelming early response to Lockerz blew right through our initial inventory. We will re-stock PTZ Place with new items starting this Friday, August 14.

6. Why aren’t people receiving invites: The overwhelming early response to Lockerz has occasionally maxed out our capacity to send email invitations. We are still in a beta learning phase. We are adding capacity every day. You should now be able to send and receive invites successfully. Invites that you already entered into the system should have been sent by now. You still may not be able to invite friends directly through Facebook. We are working really hard to fix that fast.

7. Will Lockerz ship internationally: Once Lockerz begins selling products this fall, we will ship to many countries outside the US (check back at launch time for a complete list).

8. When will I get my Z-List t-shirt: Please allow 7-10 days for delivery.

9. How many accounts can I have: Members are entitled to one account per person. Each person within a household can have their own account.

10. I want to play the game again, but can’t: The game is a one-time-only way to earn bonus PTZ when you first join Lockerz.

11. How will Lockerz make money: Starting this fall, you will be able to purchase products at Lockerz. But don’t worry, PTZ Place will still be around, with way more prizes and experiences than there are now. Members will be able to earn PTZ every time they buy, watch, play, share, invite friends, or simply show up on Lockerz. PTZ will be redeemable for both products and experiences.

12. When will Lockerz launch: Lockerz is launching in stages. PTZ Place, Lockerz’ Prize Redemption Center, is now live. Other components will be launched soon. The complete site will be launched this fall.

ja jaz sem zdaj moj rezultat dol vzel in bom proti koncu dal nazaj gor ce bom se vedno imel možnost za nagrado

danes je 1.10.2009 tak da bi se moralo to vceraj koncat...

m-xxxx das prosim sliko sistema...


320€ stane zdaj

kdaj se bo pa začelo big_smile lahko bi tudi kakšen superpi meni je bolj všeč big_smile
nvidia pa ati grafične vse v enem letos ali posebej?

kako pa je glede sodelovanja?? lahko sodelujejo vsi ali samo tisti ki so pri vas kaj kupili??

predlagam superpi, lahko pa tudi kaksen 3dmark 06


(12 replies, posted in Težave s strojno opremo)

load v idle so okol 50-55


(12 replies, posted in Težave s strojno opremo)

imam najnovejši patch temperature pa niso niti tako visoke okoli 65C-70C