vse sem že poskusil, temo objavu na 5-ih forumih, pa mi noben ne zna pomagat. včeraj sem formatiral, dal vse na novo gor in potem mi je začel delat surround, ampak je bil na zadnji zvočnikih čudno popačen zvok. potem sem nekaj delal v nastavitvah zvočne in je spet vrglo na stereo. sm že obupal, in vse priklopu analogno, danes pa mi spet ni dalo mira, pa sem nekaj bral na forumih in ima velik ljudi problem s to matično in gonilniki za zvok.
I finally got this to work - the fix was pretty easy once i stumbled on to it (for me anyway - I hope it works for you)
The offending agent appears to be the Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio entry under the System Devices category in the Device Manager.
It needs to be uninstalled before installing the realtek drivers. It won't uninstall unless you disable it first though. After disabling, then uninstalling, reboot and install the realtek driver. This was finally successful for me.
I had already removed the KB888111 hotfix during earlier install attempts with no success. I'm not sure if this is required for the above to work but if doing the above doesn't work for you, go to the registry and delete the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Updates\Windows XP\SP3\KB888111
entry and try again.
I hope this works for you. I went through a frustrating number of install attempts, failures, reboots, damned "Media" hardware found but unable to install, etc., until doing the above. Install was finally successful and sound now works!
potem sem nardil tole in mi je spet začel delat surroun poleg tega je na zadnjih zvočnikih normalen zvok - ni bil več tako popačen. recimo da bi bil s tem zadovoljen, ampak razmišlam da bi kupu novo zvočno z optičnim izhodom z DTS in Dolby Digital.
gledal sem Theatrona 7.1 http://www.aperio.si/article.aspx?articleid=160872 zato ker me zelo moti, ko imam TV kartico in zdaj nikakor ne morem spravit zvoka iz TV kartice skozi SPDIF_OUT, ampak mi dela zvok samo če imam povezano analogno...in zdaj morem za vsako ko gledam tv, preklopit kable iz digitalnega v analognega, pa me zelo moti. zdaj če se kdo spozna kako je s to zvočno Theatron, po slikah gledam da ma dva priključka za zvok, kjer bo šou kabl iz TV kartice direkt v zvočno. predvidevam, da bi potem ves zvok mogu bit digitalen??
al bom mogu spet dat slušalke v zelen analogni prikluček da bom slišu zvok iz TV-ja?
aja, pa še ta problem morem rešit, da bom lahko sploh kam vtaknu zvočno. A je možno da prestavim grafo iz primarnega PCI-E vodila modre barve, na drugo PCI-E vodilo (črno)?? ker potem bi nekot mel 2 prosti PCI reži. a bo kaj narobe če prestavim?
hvala vsem ko bote pomagal,