Topic: Blue Screen of Death
Včeraj se mi je pojavil blue screen. Enkrat, ko sem igral WoW, ko sem zapuščal igro. Enkrat pa v programu guitar pro.
Pol sem v event viwerju pogledal v log... in našel to:
Zbiralnik napak 0x10e_2_dxgkrnl!VIDMM_PROCESS_HEAP::_VIDMM_PROCESS_HEAP+62, vrsta 0
Ime dogodka: BlueScreen
V Minidump datoteki pa piše to : Probably caused by : dxgkrnl.sys ( dxgkrnl+36259 ). Na tej strani … nlsys.html sem našel, kaj to pomeni : DirectX Graphics Kernel.
Kaj sploh je to?
Na netu sem še najdo to:
Those are the analysis of your two dump files, both trace back to dxgkrnl.sys which is the DirectX Graphics Kernel.
As you can see one of the crashes isn't even involved with WOW.EXE, but CSRSS.EXE, which would lend me to believe this is a system related issue aggravated by the unique graphical demands of WoW rather than something that WoW is doing directly
A quick Google of this filename and BSOD leads immediately to a message board of Nvidia 8800 users discussing driver faults and solutions, and alluding to the problem being caused by insufficient power, bad or old drivers, or overheating of the video subsystem.
Naj bi bili krivi gonilniki za grafično?
Sedaj pa me zanima, kaj je sploh to in zakaj mi meče bsod in kako to rešit ?
Procesor: Core2 Quad Q9300 2.5GHZ 1333 S775 cpu
Gigabyte-Gigabyte P35-DS3, S775, DDR2, PCIe, SATAII motherboard
Mushkin-Pomnilnik Mushkin DDR2 4GB KIT 1000/PC8000 RETAIL Extreme Performance redline ram
GIGABYTE-nVidia GIGABYTE PCI-e FX9600GT, 512MB GDDR3, 2-DVI (GV-NX96T512H-B) graphicscard
EDIT: Na microsoftovi strani je ta razlaga o težavi … be490bad42
Problem z bios?
Opazil sem težave z sm bus controller
Kaj je to? :S
Hvala za pomoč. LP